To: Baron Joseph von Schweiger
Vienna, early December, 1813

Anderson v1 pg429-430 - letter #440

Dear Friend!

        Today I have asked our most gracious Lord, and that to in writing, to use his influence on my behalf so that I may obtain the University Hall for two concerts which I propose to give and which I must give, since everything is still in the same old rut – As I still regard you as my best friend, despite the changes that good fortune or ill luck may bring us, I have asked the Archduke to allow you to use your influence in his name and for this purpose with the present Rector of the U[niversity] – Whatever it may prove to be, please acquaint me as soon as possible with our most gracious lord’s decision, so that I may continue to strive to extricate myself from this sorry plight, so disastrous both for me and for my art – I am going to the Archduke this evening.

                                                                 Your friend